Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Stephen - A Man Full of Faith and of the Holy Spirit

"They chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit..." Acts 6:5

"Now Stephen, a man full of God's grace and power, did great wonders and miraculous signs among the people." "...but they could not stand up against his wisdom and Spirit by whom he spoke." Acts 6:8-10

"...his face was like the face of an angel." Acts 6:15

"But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God." (emphasis added) Acts 7:55

Many heroes (not including Jesus) made their way into my mind throughout my life, people whom I look up to or am encouraged from. I'm not talking about people I've actually met, mind you, I'm sure the ones I do know are far more important to me than the once I do not know. Some of my heroes actually lived, others do not - from movies and such. Coming from me, you're most likely thinking, "Oh boy, Sarah has heroes...I'm not sure I even want to know who they are..." but I shan't bore you with the telling of my heroes, I shall only expound on one, and reading my intro, I'm sure you know who I am mentioning.
Ever since I read Acts, Stephen became my greatest hero of all (excluding Christ and people I know). He possessed such astounding faith I'm sure I could never reach his level. Could you even imagine seeing the glory of God and Jesus standing by Him? Stephen did. Could you actually cry out while being stoned, "Do not hold this sin against them." to your murders? Stephen did. What about a glowing face, 'like an angle'? Stephen did, you see where I'm going. Especially the 'face like an angel', all other accounts of angels in the Bible are accounts of people struck terrified or in total awe, or perhaps perfect peace. Paul speaks of us having "peace that passes all understanding", and I'm sure Stephen's peace certainly surpasses ours. Either way, he is a model for me to follow wherever I am.
I encourage you also, to stand strong in all circumstances, and boldly proclaim Christ crucified, and why He was killed on the cross and now lives with God on high. Stephen did. I want to encourage you in the face of danger, to act bold like Stephen, and I hope he becomes one of your heroes too :)

Next post!
The book of James!


  1. Great post, Sarah! Stephen is definitely a wonderful Bible character. A reminder to stand strong, even when no one else will. :)

  2. Thanks Kaleigh! ESPECIALLY when no one else will :)

  3. Hi Sarah, this was really enjoying. Stephen is also one of my favourite characters. May we all live in the power of the Holy Spirit, that we also can have the strength and courage to conquer each situation to glorify God.

  4. Good point. It would be difficult to stand so firmly for righteousness in that kind of situation. It reminds me of that old saying, "Dare to be a Daniel." We can talk about it, fine enough, but I don't think I could be a martyr. I’d rather prefer an outcome like Daniel's...a miraculous rescue. That kind of thing. But I'm sure God will continue to give me the strength I need for each situation I'm in.

  5. Thanks for commenting Mom and Caleb! Yes, it is true that we can SAY we'll stand up amazingly when faced with martyrdom, but would we actually? And what I always say, is "I couldn't but God could, and He is living in me, so with God's help, I could." Hopefully though, we are never faced with that choice.


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