The moon takes my breath away when I look at it on beautiful dark nights. Sometimes only a sliver is lit, but I can see the round shadow of the full moon. When the moon is totally lit up and lights up the land around me, it truly gives me a feeling of awe and insignificance. From the 'tiny' craters to the massive 'seas' our moon is breathtaking.
It is also a marvelous testimony to a young earth. From and evolutionist point of view, here are a few questions which may cause a problem:
1. How did the moon get there?
2. Is there proof of how old the moon is?
3. Is the moon actually 'dead'?
These are only just a few of the questions a evolution believer may wonder inwardly but on the outside tell people the 'proofs' and the 'facts'. Looking into their answers, however, reveals that there is really no proof for any of their answers. There is a whole lot of theories of how the moon 'got there' all without proof and made completely by their imagination. Theories such as the earth 'throwing off' the moon, being 'caught' by the earths orbit, or both being 'formed' at the same time, have no evidence what-so-ever. According to the Bible, the earth was specially created to rule the night on day four. Also, these theories are unrealistic, not just unprovable. First off, the earth spinning so fast that it throws off the moon doesn't make sense scientifically, second, according to how real orbits work, the earth would have actually 'whipped' the moon sending it soaring into space. Thirdly, them being formed at the same time may seem a bit more logical, but we know that something cannot come from nothing. Basic law of science there...
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An evolutionist idea of how the moon began. |
Lastly, and my personal favorite, is whether or not the moon is what evolutionist call 'dead'. And I say, "Most certainly not!" In medieval times (AD 1178) it is recorded that moon watchers observed something hitting the moon on the upper side of it and causing a large explosion, the crater (called Bruno), that this comet made, is seen today. Also, the moon still 'rings' by the hit it received.
The below sites can explain it far better than me and I also got a lot of my information from the company.
Also, some incredible movies on the subject:
Plenty of the above isn't about the moon, most of it is just about our amazing created universe and the proof that God made it all! And truly these web pages and movies are worth your time, they are far above anything I could ever write.
Please feel free to comment your own ideas or additional information to me, I'm always in to hearing what readers have to say!
A couple ideas from the local nature enthusiast. I love the solar system. It really does have an amazing story itself.
ReplyDelete1. I didn't know the moon had "seas!" Really; seas? Says who?
2. I know a bit about evolutionary moon origin theories. In BBC's Walking with Monsters, the Moon was portrayed as the result of a catastrophic collision between two planets (I think they were planets...). It was at this point that what would be the moon blasted off as a chunk and got caught in the orbit of the larger chunk, Earth.
3. You commented that the evolutionary theories of the Moon's origin were "unprovable." Note that the truth of the Moon's origin (day 4 of the creation week) is also "unprovable" in a scientific sense. It's all about worldview.
4. A couple grammar errors you will want to know: "...point is that by scientific observation is, at present, the moon is moving away..." ("is" issues and sentence structure) and "...back a about..." (get that "a" out of there).
Hey Caleb! Thanks for commenting,
Delete1. The 'seas' are not oceans or bodies of water, look at this link:
It's evolutionary, but it gives an excellent map of the moon. These 'seas' or 'oceans' were dubbed so because early astronomers thought they were bodies of water on the moon. In actual fact, they are massive craters that filled up with lava which then hardened. The website also explains it.
2. Yup, that's a common theory, but one that doesn't make much sense to me, how could either become smooth afterwards, and how did the moon start to orbit the earth?
3. Very true, I was more making a point of that all their theories don't make sense, whereas a Creator being involved does.
4.Thanks, I fixed them.
Hi Sarah, I really liked your article and Caleb and your comments. I have a wee correction too, that you both missed. You have '...moon watchers observed something hitting the earth on the upper side of it..' Did you mean hitting moon? Love, Mom
ReplyDeleteFixed it! Thanks!